Hey there ! Tired of the same, old 'junk'
you see on the Net everyday?
By 'junk,' I mean the 4Bs --
bold ( as in B-O-L-D ) and
breasts ( definitely not chicken's ),
and butts ( not cigarettes', either ).
Well, it's your lucky day !
'Coz I'm here to share with you
something different.
Oh no, it's not something
totally gross or what --
just different.
Are you game ?
For starters, let's go easy on
the 'junk,' OK ?
Our mind works like a computer
and feeding the mind with 'junk'
will soon make it a garbage dump.
Besides, like drugs, alcohol and gambling,
all those 'junk' stuff are not good
for you. They're addicting --
and you wouldn't wanna be called one, right ?
By the way, I am
As you turn the pages of my world,
you will be reminded of things
you have forgotten
and discover others
you never knew existed.
I hope you'll enjoy your stay,
no matter how short,
enough to make you want
to read in their entirety,
the collection of my thoughts...
It's not much, but at least
it's mine.
And if you think we may have
something in common,
please feel free to tell me --
I would love to be your friend!!
your friend in JESUS,